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References for Bright Beginnings for Babies

by Pam Schiller
March/April 2003
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/references-for-bright-beginnings-for-babies/5015003/

Related Brain Research listing:

Brain Research and Its Implications for Early Childhood Programs
by Pam Schiller. 7/01

Beginnings Workshop on Brain Research. 5/98
-Brain Research, Infant Learning, and Child Care Curriculum by J. Ronald Lally
-The Thinking Brain by Pam Schiller
-Early Experiences Shape Social Development by Bettye Caldwell
-Facing the Challenges of Motor Development by Phyllis S. Weikart
-Language Development: A Key to Lifelong Learning by Clarissa Willis
-Brain Care: Supporting Healthy Emotional Development by Linda Gilkerson

Beginnings Workshop on Applying Brain Research. 3/99
-Primed for Learning: The Yound Child's Mind by Karen Stephens
-Turning Knowledge Into Practice by Pam Schiller
-Is Your Program Brain Compatible? by Pat Phipps
-Learning Through Music: The Support of Brain Research by Elizabeth B. Carlton

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