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Recruiting Effective Board Members

by Gary Bess and Cindy Ratekin
May/June 1999
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/recruiting-effective-board-members/5012714/

When you have a vacant staff position at your child care center, what do you do? Most agencies will place a classified advertisement in the help wanted section of their local newspaper with qualifications and duties specified. When it comes to recruiting qualified volunteer board of directors members, however, classified ads are hardly appropriate, and the same intensity of position promotion and candidate selection is seldom as seriously undertaken.

The contradiction between the seriousness by which child care agencies approach personnel management and their lack of attention to board management often creates an imbalance in organizational leadership and effectiveness.

Do we need more members?

The size of a board of directors can range from as few as three members to 30 or more. The decision of board membership size depends on a lot of factors, including history (Houle, 1989). Your bylaws prescribe minimum and maximum sizes, though like other rules of governance, they can be changed. The decision is really a matter of board and staff functioning. As Houle (1989) states, the board "should be small enough to act as a deliberative body."

It is sometimes argued that small boards are often cohesive, with members actively working amid a spirit of ...

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