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Recognition for a Job Well Done: Increasing Respect for Teachers

by Susan Morris
September/October 1989
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/recognition-for-a-job-well-done-increasing-respect-for-teachers/5006915/

What can be done to help parents have more respect for the teacher? Directors ask that question of themselves constantly. We recently posed that question to our Panel of 100. For many directors, that questions is a top priority for their center. Directors want parents to know the teachers. They want parents to understand that teachers are not just babysitters. Teachers are specialists in early childhood education. Teachers know children. Teachers continue to upgrade their skills and knowledge, as time and money allow.

Lynn Prange, Early Childhood Enrichment Center, Shaker Heights, Ohio: "The best place to begin raising parent respect for teachers is to help the teachers increase the respect they have for themselves. Teachers need to see themselves as professionals. We help our teachers arrange professional days, time to visit other centers in our area. They see centers that are doing things differently than ours, both good and bad. They are able to bring back and implement many of the good ideas, and they are much more appreciative of our center when they see some of the worst of other centers.

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