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Reading Matters: Celebrating Books About Challenging Behaviors

by Jean Dugan
May/June 2022
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/reading-matters-celebrating-books-about-challenging-behaviors/5026596/

*Book covers can be found in the pdf version of this article.


No matter our age in years, we have all experienced behavior in others that puts our patience to the test. (If we are honest, sometimes WE are the ones who are testing others!) Just as we adults read fiction to help us understand the nuances of human behavior, children can use stories to help decipher both new and familiar situations, and explore why people “do what they do.” These new children’s books focus on children’s challenging moments and offer some clever perspectives for readers of all ages.

Dot is Not Little, even though her stature is short, and she is the smallest member of her family. Her constant need to prove herself older, stronger, and smarter can get, well, rather obnoxious. When an even smaller and shyer boy named Sam arrives in her classroom, she sees an opportunity to feel bigger than someone else, but when Sam is targeted by the school bully, it is up to Dot to come to Sam’s defense—in a voice that is not little at all. 
Not Little by Maya Myers, illustrated by Hyewon Yum (Holiday House, 2021) Ages ...

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