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Raising the Bar

by Bethany Snyder
January/February 2018
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/raising-the-bar/5023912/

Mention the words “professional development” or “training,” and you will likely be met with sighs and slumped shoulders. Too often, training and professional development are seen as a drain on time and money. Providing your staff with high-quality professional development opportunities is one way you can ensure the children in your program receive the best care; but you need to be certain the training is effective, appropriate, worth everyone’s time, and suitable for your budget. Let’s take a look at the components of high-quality professional development, and the difference it can make to your staff and your program.

High-quality Professional Development Has to Meet
Your Needs

You’ve found a training course that would be perfect for your program leader, but it would require her to fly to another city and be away from the classroom for several days. That puts strain on the rest of the staff, the children, and your budget. In your search for professional development opportunities, make sure that it meets your needs in terms of staffing and finances. It might be more cost-effective to pay for several virtual seats in an online webinar, or there may be a shorter version of the same content that ...

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