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Raising Georgie

by Donna Rafanello
January/February 2023
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/raising-georgie/5026963/

*Photos can be found in the pdf version of this article.


My daughter Sadie (24) and I really had no hope of walking past the pen holding the puppies without stopping to take a closer look. There were three adorable, expectant faces, each one cuter than the next. One, a tiny little bundle of brown fluff with the most beautiful brown eyes, stole our hearts immediately. Sadie reached into the pen to pick her up, cuddling the puppy to her neck to nuzzle. I knew right then that we had a new family member: Georgie, a 12-week-old terrier/poodle mix. This was our first time welcoming a puppy, so we had no idea what we were in for.

Georgie is now 1 year old and every inch the puppy. She is full of energy and loves to wrestle and play tug-of-war with her big brother Charlie, a dachshund-cocker spaniel mix, and to chase after her two feline brothers, Sammie and Salami. And she has quite the mischievous streak that I hear is characteristic of terriers; she likes to steal things—socks, shoes, clothes, glasses, paper—and hide them under the bed.

“That’s not yours!” I protest. I can almost hear her giggle as she runs from me.

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