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Quality Enhancement Through Self-Reflecting and Dialog

by Margie Carter
November/December 2006
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/quality-enhancement-through-self-reflecting-and-dialog/5017214/

“To enter into a style of teaching which is based on questioning what we’re doing and why, on listening to children, on thinking about how theory is translated into practice and how practice informs theory, is to enter into a way of working where professional development takes place day after day in the classroom.”
Sonya Shoptaugh (in Hendrick, J., 2004)

In most early childhood programs, professional development or in-service training means bringing in an expert to give a presentation on a topic. While this is useful in many instances, I always stress to directors and teachers, that “development” involves learning more about oneself, as well as some additional philosophical, theoretical, or subject content pertinent to the field. Professional development also involves observing and being in dialog with children, families, and colleagues to explore different perspectives and learn from them. Toward that end, I’m always inventing strategies that will help teachers “look inside” and feel safe to put out what they discover as an invitation for further reflection.

A climate of respect and trust has to be established before most folks will let themselves be vulnerable, especially if they have different points of view. And when you throw in the dynamics of different experiences with ...

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