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Preschool Inclusion - Navagating Through Alphabet Soup

by Rebecca Lytle and Judith Bordin
January/February 2005
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/preschool-inclusion-navagating-through-alphabet-soup/5016179/

Joyce is the director of a high quality, accredited child care program. A few days ago, she received a call from a parent who had her daughter enrolled in the program until she reached school age. During the child’s enrollment, a son with disabilities was adopted. Now the family wishes for their son to attend this child care facility. Joyce agreed to set up an appointment with the parent and the Family Service Coordinator to consider his enrollment. As Joyce checks her e-mail, she finds this message:

Dear Director Joyce,

We need to schedule an IEP meeting for Josh who will be attending your preschool next fall. He may have experienced a TBI causing CP and LD. There is suspicion on FAS due to prenatal circumstances. He was assessed with the WISC-III. We will need to meet to discuss the best LRE for Josh. The EI team will be calling you to discuss the transition plan from his IFSP.

Linda, FSC

Joyce feels baffled and confused. What are these initials and acronyms? She wonders if her program and staff can meet the needs of this child. The purpose of this article is to provide a dictionary for preschool administrators and teachers when dealing with ...

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