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Preparing to Evaluate Your Child Care Center's Performance

by Cindy Ratekin and Gary Bess
May/June 2003
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/preparing-to-evaluate-your-child-care-centers-performance/5015128/

Directors of child care programs are increasingly realizing the value of developing a comprehensive evaluation plan around which measurable objectives can be later assessed against performance. Just as the annual budgeting process includes projections of anticipated revenues and expenses, other measures can be established that allow us to predict program and administrative activities for the coming year, to assess our performance relative to predetermined objectives, and to learn from our experience.

You may recall that in the 1970s and 1980s, planning was all-too-often viewed as a fatalistic exercise. We would look at where we were as an organization and what was happening around us; and, based on this information, we would conclude that we were likely to wind up in a particular situation - either for our good or not.

Today, we can plan strategically. By carefully considering where we are as an organization and the environment in which we are operating, and also by clearly stating where we wish to go and the resources that are needed to get us there, we chart a course that moves us in the direction that we choose. The difference is that we have empowered ourselves to take charge of our organization's future. We decide where ...

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