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Play and Standards-Driven Curricula: Can They Work Together in Preschool?

by Susan J. Oliver and Edgar Klugman
July/August 2006
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/play-and-standards-driven-curricula-can-they-work-together-in-preschool/5017012/

“Teacher, my mother couldn’t bring me today ‘cuz she goed to the hospital to bring me a baby brother,” announces Shaunese as she arrives at school. Right behind her is Kevin, usually full of energy and one of the children you count on to be an enthusiastic participant in class; but today he’s wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday and he’s shy and withdrawn. Jose bursts into class waving a superhero and promptly proceeds to use his superpowers to make a block structure that his classmates are building crash to the floor. And today is the day you planned to teach the concept of “zero” to your class full of preschoolers.

You know better than anyone just how challenging an early childhood educator’s day can be. You plan a productive day for the children in your care, even as you are ready to respond to the unexpected behaviors, emotions, and demands of the preschoolers in your classroom or center. You have responsibility for the children’s educational outcomes, safety, and social and emotional development; and you must continually communicate their progress and issues to often anxious parents and school or center administrators.

Is it play-based curricula, or play vs. curricula?

As if ...

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