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Personal Power - Creating New Realities

by Janet Gonzalez-Mena
January/February 2001
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/personal-power-creating-new-realities/5013759/

"My child is a vegetarian and your teachers are feeding her meat!" says a parent after pushing aside a secretary and storming into the director's office. He stands with his hands on the director's desk, leaning way over so his face is close to hers. His expression bristles with anger as he waits for her response.

In most interactions, there are power issues present even if they aren't so in your face as the one above.

Try a different scene. The issue is the same, a child from a vegetarian family is being served meat in a child care center. This time it is a mother who comes to the director's office. The secretary says that the director is on the phone and she'll have to wait. The mother sits out in the hall on the only chair there, a child's chair. After 15 minutes, she checks with the secretary, who apologizes for forgetting her and ushers her in to the director's office. The director sits behind her rather large desk reading some papers and doesn't look up when the mother enters. The mother stands shifting her weight from foot to foot. When the director finally looks up, paper still in hand, ...

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