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People Matter

by Eric Karolak
January/February 2016
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/people-matter/5022786/

A decade ago, we chose to title this column "Policy Matters" as a way to emphasize the importance of advocacy and the public sector, especially for influencing programming, business operations, and outcomes. A common theme has been to encourage you — the educators, staff, owners, directors, and administrators who support Exchange — to take part in advocacy, to speak up and shape the decisions that affect or soon may affect your program.

Sometimes in the policy world, advocates, legislators, and decision makers can become focused on words on paper: a process, a regulation, the meaning of a budget amendment. It’s easy to forget that at the end of the day, people have to implement those policies, interpret those regulations, and build the relationships that are the foundation of success.

This installment of Policy Matters is a reminder that people matter. Sounds trite, but it's really important and, maybe because it is so commonplace, it's overlooked as a key element of success for early learning and development programs.

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