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Overcoming the Fear of Firing

by 30 Directors
March/April 1981
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/overcoming-the-fear-of-firing/5001811/

"It was obvious that this teacher could not relate well to kids. But I could not bring myself to fire her. And while I wavered, things only got worse for everyone in her classroom."

Having to fire someone is probably the most difficult action a director may have to take. It is an action for which directors can find endless excuses to avoid, as did the director quoted above. But it is an action which in certain cases must be taken.

To discover how directors can overcome the fear of firing and to learn what precautions to take and what mistakes to avoid in the firing process, Child Care Information Exchange surveyed 30 child care directors who had fired an employee. The suggestions that follow are based on their experiences and recommendations.

When Is Firing Appropriate?

People who go into a social services such as child care, typically care very much about individuals. However, directors are also responsible for caring for the organization as a whole and for the families it serves. When the needs of an individual staff member come into serious conflict with the needs of the group, the director must place higher priority on the welfare of the group.

The directors identified four ...

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