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Ongoing Growing - Overcoming Obstacles to Training Staff

by Connie Jo Smith
May/June 1999
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/ongoing-growing-overcoming-obstacles-to-training-staff/5012709/

You are excited because the Child Care Resource and Referral Agency has scheduled a well-known speaker for their upcoming Saturday conference. You enthusiastically offer the opportunity for staff members to register and hear complaints that Saturday is the only day they have to spend with their children.

You receive a cash donation to provide training for the center and are exhilarated. You ask for input about the topics and presenters. The session is scheduled for Tuesday evening after the center closes so everyone can attend. Staff members who worked the last shift are tired and hungry. Staff members who opened at 5:00 am had to drive back to the center and it is getting close to their bedtime.

You schedule a training during the afternoon nap and arrange for volunteers to cover the classrooms. The training is close by so you can be reached. Several regular and competent volunteers show up and are pleased to help, but some volunteers do not show.

You advertised for hiring substitutes for training times. The toll on the budget will be significant and so far not enough people have applied to cover every classroom.

Do you want to provide professional development opportunities for your staff but have found more ...

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