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On Shooting Ourselves in the Foot: #1 - Shoot-Out at the Public School Corral

by Bettye M. Caldwell
November/December 1989
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/on-shooting-ourselves-in-the-foot-1-shoot-out-at-the-public-school-corral/5007011/

Most of the people I know in early childhood are friendly and peace-loving, utterly dedicated to non-violent conflict resolution. However, this life philosophy apparently does not preclude many of us from wielding guns on occasion-or so I judge from the Swiss cheese appearance of our feet these days. By that I mean that our feet are full of holes, and we seem to be doing most of the shooting ourselves.

I have been in this field for 25 years now, and everything that happens I look at through the perspective of that history. Younger readers will simply have to forgive me for that habit. I know how far we have come during that time. From a tiny group of little old ladies in navy sneakers who knew a hundred ways to keep little children from doing something without ever once saying "No" or "Don't do that," we have grown into a legion of women (and a few good men) in Nikes and Reeboks and Ferragamos who call a few members of Congress by their first names and whose opinions are sought as national policy is formulated and promulgated. We have been discovered by the corporate world ...

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