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Notes from the Field: Positive Tools in Use

by Roslyn Duffy
September/October 2003
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/notes-from-the-field-positive-tools-in-use/5015326/

�" Situation �"

In the midst of teaching a six-week parenting class, I had the opportunity for some first-hand practice. Morning hassles are always hot class topics, so when my granddaughter spent the night and I needed to get her up and ready for preschool the next day, I decided to take some field notes.

Since I often write about using different tools as parents or caregivers, this was an opportunity to dissect which tools worked, when, how, or if they worked; and why I chose one over another. But first I need to preface my experience. Please remember that my morning had several special features.

The first one was that this was only one morning. Let’s face it, day-to-day is a different ball game.

Secondly, I now operate under that unique grandparent mentality that makes it possible to rationalize requests for milkshakes at breakfast with the thought that milkshakes do contain milk (not that I’ve actually served any breakfast milkshakes yet, probably only because she hasn’t thought to ask!)

Thirdly, thanks to the blessings of hindsight I tend to forget the lost or missing shoes, coats and car keys; my shrilly delivered reminders such as, “This is my last warning �" ...

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