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Non Profit Child Care Facing Challenged Worldwide-Trend Report

by Roger Neugebauer
July/August 2003
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/non-profit-child-care-facing-challenged-worldwide-trend-report/5015211/

At a time when children of the world are facing unprecedented challenges from violence, disease, and poverty, non profit organizations dedicated to their welfare are themselves confronted with increasing challenges. In great measure these challenges are the result of a slumping world economy which generates less and less surplus dollars for charitable causes. In addition the stress on charitable organizations in many nations is a result of upheavals and resulting uncertainties in the very foundations of their societies.

These observations come from a non-scientific survey of non profit organizations in Australia, Brazil, Fiji, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, South Africa, Ukraine, United States, and Uruguay. We asked leaders of these organizations about trends in the charitable sector in their nations; their responses form the basis for this trend report.

[Note: In some nations, charitable organizations are referred to as non profits, while in many they are called NGOs - non governmental organizations. In all cases, however, the principal is the same - the organization exists to serve a public good, not to enrich its shareholders or owners. In the balance of this article we will refer to all such charitable organizations as non profits.]

Prevalence of Non Profit Organizations

There is a huge variation in the role of ...

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