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Non Profit Centers Struggling to Meet Increasing Demand - An Exchange Trend Analysis

by Roger Neugebauer
May/June 2001
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/non-profit-centers-struggling-to-meet-increasing-demand-an-exchange-trend-analysis/5013912/

In this year's survey of non profit child care programs in the United States and Canada, center directors reported increasing demand for their services, as well as increasing challenges in responding to this demand. Some directors were very upbeat in their assessments . . .

"The outlook for non profits looks quite good in our area . . . . In all areas (from education, business, government, to philanthropic), there's an increasing thrust toward pooling resources to give kids and families the support they need. It's like we are hitting a critical mass of agreement that the status quo of mediocre child care is unacceptable for children as well as their working parents."
- Karen Stephens, Illinois State University Child Care Center Normal, Illinois

"The outlook for non profit centers in our county is very promising! There is a foundation in town that had pledged over one million dollars to a Quality Child Care Initiative. The first round of grants (up to $20,000 each) went to urban centers and others serving the low socio-economic population. The goal is to get all centers in the county accredited. They have provided many support services as well."
- Jerri Helmreich, Malone College Weaver Child Development Center and ...

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