Article Link:!/5026442/
5-year-old: Miss Robyn, do you want to smell these flowers?
Me: Sure, they look so beautiful. [Pretends to smell artificial flowers in a vase]
5-year-old yells: Surprise, they’re cat flowers! (Laughs hysterically)
Me: [Pretends to sneeze] “Achoo! Oh no you tricked me!”
My preschool class knows that I am allergic to cats, because the group is very interested in animals, especially dogs and cats, and it has come up in conversation a lot. Lately they have taken it up a notch and have been pretending everything is cat-related to tease me. I pretend to sneeze, sometimes I pretend to be mad or sad that they “tricked me,” either way, hilarity ensues every time. They have also given me cat popsicles, cat cookies, and who knows what will be next!
I absolutely love the silliness of this teasing, and what it represents about my classroom. They can tease me and poke fun in a friendly way and we all know it is acceptable and even encouraged. This is something that I have had to explain to other adults at my school as well as parents, because I know it makes no sense to overhear a class laughing so hard and screaming “Cat flowers!” This has been ...