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Momentum - "The Center Newsletter"

by Lynne Meservey
May/June 1991
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/momentum-the-center-newsletter/5007941/

The center newsletter is a key factor in establishing good parent relations. The quality of your news-letter, therefore, is very important to your success and the retention of families in your program. The newsletter is a written reflection of your center's personality.


While parent retention is a key goal in writing newsletters, there are other important purposes to your in-house publication:

Communicating: Informing parents about your calendar of events, changes in the center, menus, program milestones, etc.

_ Explain what's happening at the center, what's different, what's coming up, and what's expected of the parent.
_ Notify parents of change or anticipated change.
_ Report on things the children learn not what children do. Avoid listing activities by focusing on how children benefit from the things they do.

Educating: Providing parents with knowledge and skill building ideas to use in parenting roles. This presents you as an authority and adds to the parents' confidence in your abilities.

_ Help parents understand what is expected of children at each developmental level.
_ Provide activities that parents can do at home to enhance the child's growth and development.
_ Share ideas that will help working parents cope and relieve guilt about leaving children in care.
_ Share articles or quotations from child care professionals.

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