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Momentum - "Parent Power"

by Jackie Legg
March/April 1990
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/momentum-parent-power/5007245/

Many articles have been written on how to build good relationships with parents. Creative directors, in their efforts to fulfill their complex and demanding responsibilities, are now looking at the parents in their program in a new light. They see them as a valuable human resource. They have discovered parent power.

The ability to mobilize parents depends on establishing initial strong relationships. Parents have to understand the program. They have to feel comfortable within the center. They have to see their relationship with the director and staff as that of a partnership in providing care for their children. Centers which foster adversarial relationships cannot expect parents to provide more than minimal support.

Parents As a Referral Service

Programs have been forever dependent on parents for referrals. It has been established that satisfied parents are the best form of advertising. Parents can also be used to provide references to prospective clients. It is helpful to keep a list of parents who would be willing to talk to inquiring parents. Choose those who often express some enthusiasm for your program. By carefully interviewing the prospective parents and identifying their primary concern, it is possible ...

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