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Momentum - "Helping Teachers Grow: Confronting Inappropriate Teaching Behavior"

by Kay Albrecht
July/August 1989
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/momentum-helping-teachers-grow-confronting-inappropriate-teaching-behavior/5006815/

"I have told Mary again and again that she needs to get down at children's eye level and she still doesn't do it!" It seems so simple. You know what you want to have happen. You share that information with the person who can make it happen. And nothing happens.

Although the center director's job has many frustrating aspects, confronting inappropriate teaching behaviors in a manner which produces change is an ongoing challenge. Many a director has been frustrated when her guidance to teachers about appropriate and inappropriate teaching skills fails to have the desired impact. Let's take a look at a design for helping teachers grow by confronting inappropriate teaching behaviors in a way that is most likely to produce change-and, in the process, improve the teacher's skill and the center's program quality.

Confrontation usually has a negative connotation. In many minds, it is associated with conflict. But confrontation is different from conflict. Constructive confrontation is a way to help calibrate perceptions of one's own strengths or limitations (in this case in teaching competence) with the perceptions of others (either supervisors, clients, or peers). When approached correctly, confrontation can be healthy, stimulating, ...

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