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Momentum - "Evaluating Your Marketing Program: Measuring and Tracking Techniques"

by Lynne D. Meservey
January/February 1990
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/momentum-evaluating-your-marketing-program-measuring-and-tracking-techniques/5007123/

When directors talk to each other about marketing strategies, their opinions about the most effective ways often vary widely. Some may swear by direct mail while others are positive that yellow page ads are the only way to go. Both may be right. Marketing is a very personal thing. What works for one center may be disastrous for another. How, then, do you determine if your own marketing approach is working?

There are ten simple tracking techniques or formulas you can use to evaluate your marketing performance.

1. Utilization rate. The relationship of your enrollment to the desired capacity of the program is called utilization rate. Simply divide your enrollment by your capacity. Most programs operate at less than 100% utilization. If your utilization rate is lower than you want it to be, set a goal to increase it over a period of time, keeping track of it as you go. You can also break the rate down by type of program or age of children enrolled. This may show you that while the toddler program is operating at 97% utilization, the four year old program is at 62%. A ...

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