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Momentum - "All Parents Are Not Alike: Focusing on the Developmental Needs of Parents"

by Jackie Legg
September/October 1989
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/momentum-all-parents-are-not-alike-focusing-on-the-developmental-needs-of-parents/5006943/

As we expand early childhood services to accommodate children at younger ages, we are constantly concerned about designing programs which meet the developmental needs of infants and toddlers. We remind ourselves that they are not preschoolers; environments and teacher training must be modified to appropriately serve their unique needs. Similarly, we must address the unique needs of their parents.

The infant or toddler parent is dramatically different from the parent of a preschooler. Usually they are making their first decision about child care. They often have no frame of reference on which to base their search. While they are bombarded with well-meaning advisors (i.e. media, grandparents, neighbors, friends), it is still a stressful search.

We must be sensitive to the fact that this is an emotionally-charged time for these parents. Often the advent of a child has taken a physical and psychological toll on the family structure. Suddenly parents who considered themselves confident, competent adults are immobilized by the enormity of a child care decision.

The decision for most parents of infants and toddlers is not just which child care center to choose, but whether to choose a center. Our society readily accepts the benefits of ...

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