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Minimizing the Impact of Staff Changes

by Cathy Abraham
September/October 2007
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/minimizing-the-impact-of-staff-changes/5017734/

What are the main things parents want to know when there is a change in staffing at the center? First, that their child will still be well taken care of. Second, that the management team is capable and competent and will select and train the best candidate for the job.

Staff turnover is inevitable, but there are steps we can take to set the tone and to minimize the impact on the children, families, and remaining staff at the center.

Relationships with families

• If you only get one thing from an exiting staff member, make it a nice goodbye letter to the parents. Regardless of the circumstances, this is the professional, appropriate way for staff to leave a center and the families in their care. Offer your help, if necessary, with the letter. Have parting employees give you a copy of their letter to look at prior to distributing it to parents.

• Ensure that new staff members are properly introduced to staff and parents. Post photographs of all staff including relevant background information so parents know a little about them and will feel more comfortable. Emphasize new staff’s education and experience with young children.

• If you have a gap in ...

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