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Minding Our Manners...An Early Childhood Approach

by Jerry Parr
November/December 2000
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/minding-our-manners...an-early-childhood-approach/5013652/

Manners come in two forms: cosmetic and sincere. Think Eddie Haskell and Joe Friday. After an Eddie encounter a long, hot shower is in order. Eddie typified the smooth operator, donning a cloak of manners as a device, a means to accomplish selfish goals. Joe meant what he said and said what he felt. Yes, its Hollywood, but we've all met examples of both.

In an age when the debate about values education in schools remains unresolved, it is important for all educators to understand the meaning of manners. Manners are a manifestation of respect - not simply respect for those around you but, more importantly, self-respect. We have all agreed that helping young children develop self-esteem and a strong sense of self is a vital component of success in child care and school. In this context it becomes a logical extension to include a manners curriculum. Not teaching roles and rites or learning how to set a table and which fork to use when (that should be a moot point anyway - we have two hands, use both forks at once - with two older brothers I learned that at an early age). Teaching manners that demonstrate respect should not be ...

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