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Mindful of Our Past, Optimistic for Our Future

by Trish Thomas and Saras Pillay
March/April 2014
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/mindful-of-our-past-optimistic-for-our-future/5021618/

Early childhood programs develop from the people and the events of each place. Each country’s early childhood education story is unique. Each story reveals what influences our view of the world, how our identities are shaped, and how we are interconnected.

This article delves into Te Whāriki, our early childhood curriculum, and briefly outlines Aotearoa New Zealand’s story, emphasising the importance of not forgetting where you come from . . . in order to get where you are going to. It provides an explanation of how and why Te Whāriki was developed and what influence it still has on our most precious and treasured �" our tamariki (children). It shares messages of perseverance, resilience, inspiration, and hope. It tells a story we can all learn from.

Ma te tiro tōmuri, ka kitea tōmua.
Reflecting on the past to guide the future.


“When [indigenous] Māori first arrived in Aotearoa, they encountered a climate that was extreme compared to their homelands in Polynesia. They adapted quickly, utilising their existing twining and weaving skills to produce korowai (cloaks) and other practical objects such as kete ­(baskets) and whāriki (mats). The most widely used weaving material was (and still is) harakeke �" otherwise known as ...

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