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Mentoring Advocates in the Context of Early Childhood Education

by Sessy I. Nyman
January/February 2003
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/mentoring-advocates-in-the-context-of-early-childhood-education/5014942/

Advocates have been a critical component in every social movement that effects change. Whether we examine the Civil Rights movement, the Women's Movement, or the movement to create a public K-12 educational system, movements are made up of individual advocates. Types of advocates and how they create change vary greatly, but what ties them together is their common goal.

In the field of early childhood education, we have the foundation for an effective, broad-based coalition of advocates; there is much work to be done. Growing our advocacy community must be a high priority for everyone who cares for the future of young children - one advocate at a time. The work of each and every advocate is critical if we are to reach our goal of high quality early learning and education for each child.

Advocates are People Who Bring an Issue to Life

There are no specific prerequisites for being an advocate. Most people advocate for something every day of their lives. It is in our nature when we believe in something or have a passion for the issue. The challenge lies in being an effective advocate - connecting the day to day work to a larger ...

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