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Making Your Purchasing Dollars Count: Avoiding Mistakes in Purchasing from Catalogs

by Roger Neugebauer
September/October 2002
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/making-your-purchasing-dollars-count-avoiding-mistakes-in-purchasing-from-catalogs/5014779/

Every year, child care centers invest hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars in purchasing educational materials, supplies, and equipment from early childhood catalogs. Most of these purchases are successful - both the buyer and the seller end up satisfied. However, successful catalog purchasing is not a slam dunk deal. To enjoy the full benefits of catalog purchasing, a center director should take pains to avoid the most common roadblocks to success as reported to Child Care Information Exchange by both buyers and sellers.

Failing to check out the reliability of the seller

When you buy a product from a catalog, you are buying the company as well. You are paying for the assurance that the product will be delivered on a timely basis, that it will arrive in good condition, and that it will perform as described or implied in the catalog. Many directors have come to regret purchasing from a new, unfamiliar catalog that offered great prices, only to discover that they paid for the savings many times over with frustrations in shipping delays, defective goods, and drawn out disputes.

It's a great idea to develop a long term relationship with a company. A sales representative you've come to know over ...

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