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Making Presentations: Avoiding the Five Deadly Sins

by Roger Neugebauer
July/August 1984
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/making-presentations-avoiding-the-five-deadly-sins/5003807/

Your palms are sweaty, your knees are starting to wobble, and your throat feels like the inside of an exhaust pipe. You are about to present your first workshop at the Annual Conference of the North Dakota Association for the Education of Young Children; and you have decided that at this moment you would really rather be home in Hoople playing with your kids, reading a book, or even scrubbing the floor of your center. In short, you are suffering from presenter's paralysis.

Such an attack of insecurity is not unusual. If you have been in early childhood long enough to believe that you have something to share in a workshop, more likely than not you have witnessed numerous worthless workshops. Some were so boring that you longed for a pillow, some were so insipid that you could barely keep yourself from running out of the room shrieking, and some were so disorganized that you wanted to shake the presenter by the shoulders and tell him to get his act together. So as your moment of glory approaches, fears may well come flooding in that you will induce these same reactions in your audience.

To help first time presenters overcome these fears, as ...

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