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Making Meetings Count

by Dawn Marie Barhyte
November/December 2003
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/making-meetings-count/5015413/

Strategies for designing meetings to achieve objectives

Meetings can be the most powerful tool that directors have for tapping into the creative energy of their staff and fostering greater involvement in decision-making. Unfortunately they can also be a dreaded part of business even though they are a prerequisite to good communication and program quality. Directors are in a key position to make meetings effective by being well prepared and organized. If run poorly, meetings can be a waste of valuable time and dollars and a source of tension among staff. Successful meetings require significant forethought to boost staff morale in order to facilitate the exchange of ideas, the airing of frustrations, and the sharing of successes.

No question about it �" meetings are vital to creating a unified team approach to managing a center. You can transform your meetings from ho hum to dynamic and create a forum where you accomplish your goals. Employees who leave well-facilitated meetings report feeling informed, valued, and energized. Improving meeting management techniques is a matter of practice. Following are tips to help you hone skills.

As director it’s your responsibility to ensure that the time spent in meetings is time well spent. First, be mindful ...

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