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Making It Work for Everyone

by Jill Primak
July/August 2015
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/making-it-work-for-everyone/5022466/

At child care centers and early education programs of all sorts children are, of course, the primary focus for designed indoor and outdoor environments. However, it’s good for all of us to remember that they aren’t the sole users of the space. Teachers, staff, parents, and families all spend time in and around these facilities at different times throughout the day. We know that well-designed indoor and outdoor spaces bring great benefits to the learning, growth, and development of the children who use them. We need to remember, also, to consider the well-being of adult users. Some thoughtful touches can make a huge difference. Since we know that spending time in nature-filled spaces promotes the health and well-being of adults and children alike, here are some questions to ponder:

  • Does your outdoor space take advantage of cozy places and provide areas that work well for families and educators?
  • What could you change indoors to make the space more welcoming for families as they arrive at your door each day?
  • How could you change spaces that are uncomfortable for adults into places that feel good?
  • We’ll ...

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