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Magnets Can Dance and Vanilla Smells Warm

by Alison Lutton
November/December 2002
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/magnets-can-dance-and-vanilla-smells-warm/5014847/

"Images are the currency of mind."
- Antonio Damasio

Imagine . . . you are far, far away on the other side of the world. You are lying on a warm beach . . . are beaches ever cold? You are gazing up at a big, blue sky . . . feeling and smelling a slightly salty breeze . . . this must be the ocean. It is very quiet, but you hear a soft rustling . . . it sounds like a leaf . . . a cornfield? Not here . . . maybe a palm tree. Otherwise it is very quiet . . . no one around . . . unless you'd like someone to join you . . . after all, this is your imagination. Let it flow and just feel the pleasure of it. Analyze it and you'll see that it is made possible by your understanding of science and math. Watch children and you'll see that your understanding of science and math is fueled by your imagination.

I used to think I knew what science and math were. They were piles of information that normal people do not really use, described in words that normal people do not really ...

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