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Looking Ahead: Trends That Will Shape Early Care and Education

by Roger Neugebauer
November/December 2000
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/looking-ahead-trends-that-will-shape-early-care-and-education/5013607/

Futurism is an inexact science. We invited a variety of respected early childhood professionals to identify "trends that will have the biggest impact in shaping early childhood education by 2010." These experts cited no less than 50 trends to keep an eye on.

Fortunately, there was a high level of agreement that the following six trends will have the greatest impact. . . .

Brain Research

Susan Hopkins (author of Hearing Everyone's Voice: Educating Young Children for Peace and Democratic Community): The recent emphasis on brain research in babies and young children is already playing a role as parents and teachers learn more about early development. Hopefully, the research on bonding will promote attention to social and emotional growth in ways we cannot yet imagine.

Jackie Dudock (executive director, KCAA Preschools of Hawaii, Honolulu): My favorite trend is current research on brain development and learning which confirms the indelible process of the early years and confirms the physiological impact to the brain of supportive nurturing relationships, thus erasing the meaningless debate on care vs. education and validating the early education experience and properly trained teachers.

Janet B. McCracken (early childhood education consultant, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania): Brain research has just begun to document the scientific basis ...

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