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Liability and Insurance Grab Bag

by Abby J. Cohen
May/June 1999
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/liability-and-insurance-grab-bag/5012762/

Is child care a risky business? The stock response is, of course, compared to what? It isn't like operating a mine or a petrochemical plant. Even industries which might appear less risky than child care might still be more risky than child care simply because they involve a lot of driving - which turns out to be one of the most common sources of injuries for which claims are brought generally.

No one agency keeps aggregate data on all incidents or claims against child care centers nationwide, so it is impossible to gauge exactly how risky a business child care is. But - when one considers the heightened vulnerability of children to injury and illness; the large number of children in centers; the extensive number of hours they are present in child care; the length of time a child can potentially bring an action against a program; and the preciousness of children to their families - it is remarkable just how few claims are brought that we do know or hear about. Even fewer of those claims are ultimately successful.

What are the most common claims that are brought against child care programs?

There is very little published information about which claims are ...

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