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Lessons Out of School - Building Ownership in Your Program

by Bonnie Neugebauer
November/December 1994
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/lessons-out-of-school-building-ownership-in-your-program/5010018/

The loggerhead turtle remained motionless in the tank as though captured within the outline charting his progress (or more precisely his lack of progress). Each of us went by an extra time, hoping to note some small movement that would herald a return to health.

"There's the fish with the knife in his back! I can see it!" Aaron tugged enthusiastically on my sleeve and pointed in the direction of the black and yellow surgeon fish.

It was great fun to spend our Saturday morning behind the scenes on the new members' tour of the Seattle Aquarium. Perhaps it's just the course of nature that once you've worked in child care for over 15 years you relate everything that happens to you to running a child care program, or perhaps we're becoming extremely eccentric.

But it occurred to us that after this tour we felt so positive about the aquarium, so supportive of its programs, so possessive of the mammals, birds, and fish, that they had done a real number on us - and had done it very well. And if we could be made to feel such ownership of fish in just two and a half hours, what ...

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