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Learning to Speak Their Language of Appreciation

by Iris Davis
January/February 2021
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/learning-to-speak-their-language-of-appreciation/5025790/

What makes you feel appreciated? Perhaps it is a few kind words, a small gift, or a meaningful gesture. Do these same things make your colleagues feel appreciated? Possibly, but maybe not. Should we show appreciation to everyone in the same way? These are all important questions to consider as we work to create positive professional cultures in which everyone feels valued and appreciated.

Appreciation Mismatch 

Have you ever done something nice for coworkers and then walked away feeling like they did not appreciate it? As a former child care center director, I certainly admit that I had that experience more than once. One time in particular, I remember holding a gift swap, which resulted in each of my 18 teachers and staff members receiving a wrapped gift from me. I was so pleased with what I thought at the time was a good idea. Then I noticed that one teacher had given her gift away to another teacher. Alternatively, another teacher came up to me and hugged me and appeared truly thankful for the gift. At that moment I was puzzled. I found myself wondering, “Why did I receive such a mixed reaction to my kind gesture?” 

The Five Languages of ...

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