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Learning, Leaning, and Leading ... Toward More Equitable Spaces in Our Early Childhood Community

by Cecilia Scott-Croff, Duane Dennis, and Vonetta T. Rhodes
March/April 2023
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/learning-leaning-and-leading-...-toward-more-equitable-spaces-in-our-early-childhood-community/5027030/

We come together, summoning our courage and boldness, because we believe that, collectively, we can transform early education and create a different future for children, educators, and families. The time to reimagine early education is now!

Nos unimos, reuniendo nuestro coraje y valentía, porque creemos que, colectivamente, podemos transformar nuestro campo y crear un futuro diferente para los niños, los educadores y las familias. ¡El momento ha llegado!

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At our final ROW gathering of 2022, we had the pleasure of introducing Duane Dennis, a Baltimore-based leader with a background in social work and psychology, to our ROW community. Dennis is an educator with 25 years’ experience as a direct service provider. He has managed large leadership teams and is an executive coach, with a special interest in systems building and government relations. Additionally, he leads the Race, Equity, and Inclusion committee for the World Forum Foundation. Our offering, “Multiracial Versus Multicultural,” was powerful and impactful, because it allowed us as a ROW community to think about the ways in which we engage as educators and how we discuss racism within our early childhood spaces and amongst our professional peers. We were also able to reflect on our intentions ...

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