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Learn Leading for Authenticity

by Nadine L. McCrea
September/October 2002
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/learn-leading-for-authenticity/5014710/

Learning leading is one way of making a greater contribution to the early childhood field. Additionally, learning leading ought to result in a person leading effectively in contemporary times. This means that one leads authentically for the individual and for the field in terms of personal-professional beliefs about children, families, and early education. Being authentic is about taking account of both relevant ideals and daily realities in order to form professional decisions and actions that match with your values and beliefs. With authentic leading having such potential benefits, it is important to ask and create an individual understanding of: What is leading? What might be learned and how?

Why/What? - Leading

Leading . . . an evolving definition with images.

I have explored, researched, and conceptualised early childhood leaders and leadership over several years. My evolving definition of leading continues to shift and be reframed, while also reflecting my past along with my current thinking. For this article, my momentary or dynamic definition is:Leadership is a caring moral act of positional or occasional leading for collective learning, for heart-and-soul managing, and for a wellness-climate workplace; such leading encompasses: one's attitudes, abilities, actions, and shared interactions.

In many ways this is one idealistic essence of ...

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