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Leadership Is a Way of Being

by Pam Boulton
May/June 2022
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/leadership-is-a-way-of-being/5026512/

The Reimaging Our Work initiative, hosted by Exchange magazine and Dimensions Educational Research Foundation, is grounded in the principles of the initiative’s charter: 

  • Embrace our humanity;
  • Invite diverse voices and ways of thinking;
  • Center our work on social justice;
  • Believe in educators.

Coming together to form the ROW charter evolved from an interest in Ann Pelo and Margie Carter’s (2018) book “From Teaching to Thinking: A Pedagogy for Reimagining Our Work,” in which they provoked us with questions and their own thoughts about the answers.

What kind of people do we want to be? 

Thinkers, collaborators, dreamers, inventors; people committed to community and to meaningful engagement with each other; people who embrace the fullness of emotion and who welcome challenging questions.

To what do we want to be accountable?

Here is how we think about accountability for our work. Knowing today’s educators/makers of history are confronting suffocating accountability requirements, we align ourselves with the courageous educators and administrators who are living and working from a place of hope and resistance, rather than despair and accommodation. Together with them, we strive to shape a story about education and its purposes that invigorates our commitments to justice and to joy—a story about listening, about intention, about humility and critical discourse. ...

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