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Jim Greenman... Remembering

by Bonnie Neugebauer
May/June 2009
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/jim-greenman...-remembering/5018701/

We were sitting at the gate in Charleston airport waiting for our flights, just talking �" making some plans for the next time we might be together, sharing thoughts about the weekend in Kiawah. Moments with Jim, which turned out to be my last, ordinary moments with dark undertones. And then a stroller passed by, and this beautiful toddler caught Jim’s eye and he forgot I was there. I watched him, his joy. His face lit up, his eyes sparkled as he watched this little child. Time stalled. And then finally he came back to me, “One of the great things about riding around in a wheelchair,” he picked up the conversation in a rather surprising way, “was that I was eye to eye with kids in strollers. I enjoyed catching their eyes like that.” And I envisioned the world as it was for him on those walks around the lake, eye to eye with children.

All of us who loved Jim understand that this is how he lived his life �" eye to eye with children. Sometimes we forget what we’re really about, what we want our lives to be �" Jim never seemed to do that. As a ...

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