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Is Your Center Secure? - 20 Questions You Need to Ask

July/August 1995
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/is-your-center-secure-20-questions-you-need-to-ask/5010438/

Is Your Center Secure?
20 Questions You Need to Ask

In the wake of the Oklahoma City tragedy, we surveyed a number of Exchange TrendWatchers about security issues in center-based child care. We asked these insightful individuals (identified on the next page) to share with us questions center directors should consider in evaluating the security of their centers.

As you will see, the questions posed by our TrendWatchers address a wide range of potential safety and security issues. We hope you will find these helpful in conducting your own preliminary security audit. Please feel free to reproduce these questions to share them with staff, board members, or parents. Use this exercise to motivate your staff to be vigilant about the safety procedures you now have in place and to take action where you find gaps and weaknesses.

1. Do you have specific procedures in place for responding to all likely emergencies (natural disasters, fires, accidents)?

2. Do you have a written procedure for evacuating your center which staff and children can implement on auto pilot?

3. Do you have an off-site location where children can be kept until parents can pick them up if your building cannot be reinhabited after an evacuation? Are parents aware ...

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