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Integrating Technology in the Classroom

by Sharon Thompson Hirschy
September/October 2016
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/integrating-technology-in-the-classroom/5023190/

“I need some new ideas for activities.”

“I can’t do all the assessments and still teach children!”

“I would use technology in the class but I don’t know how!”

“Why can’t we buy technology for my classroom?” 

Need answers? Never fear: Technology is here! The modern approach to many of the tasks teachers and administrators face is to utilize technology. Integrating technology as one of the many tools used in classrooms, both by the teacher and the children, can be a positive experience for everyone. It doesn’t have to be expensive or require complicated training.

Technology is a vital part of our early education environment. Emails to parents, websites for programs, and computers or tablets in classrooms are common. States include technology as part of early learning standards for young children. Parents expect their children to use and to learn from technology in the classroom. Are your teachers on board with using technology in the classroom? Are you? 

The Research on Technology

Children are using technology at home. A recent survey of over 350 families in a low-income community found 96% of children under four had used technology. Nearly one-half of the children under one used mobile devices daily (Kabali et.al., 2015). But parents do not always understand ...

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