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Innovation: Longing for New Directions

by Raynice Jean-Sigur, Laurice McGinnis Lincoln, Angel Stoddard and Pam Boulton
March/April 2021
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/innovation-longing-for-new-directions/5025829/

ROW: We come together, summoning our courage and boldness, because we believe that, collectively, we can transform early education and create a different future for children, educators, and families. The time to reimagine early education is now!

Nos unimos, reuniendo nuestro coraje y valentía, porque creemos que, colectivamente, podemos transformar nuestro campo y crear un futuro diferente para los niños, los educadores y las familias. ¡El momento ha llegado!

Learn More and Join Us at: ExchangePress.com/ROW


We come together, summoning our courage and boldness, because we believe that, collectively, we can transform our field and create a different future for children, teachers, and families.” The ROW Call to Action

Ann Pelo and Margie Carter write in their book “From Teaching to Thinking: A Pedagogy for Reimagining Our Work,” “We believe that educators long to be challenged into their biggest, deepest, most startling thinking and questioning. We believe that educators are ready to have their hearts cracked open and their imaginations ignited.”

Now is a time of significant disruption in nearly everyone’s lives. With our triple challenges of systemic racism, climate crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic, we are finding ourselves called to change what we do on an almost daily basis. These disruptions heighten our sense of obligation to ...

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