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Infant Care: America's Largest Child Care Desert

by Michelle Noth McCready
November/December 2017
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/infant-care-americas-largest-child-care-desert/5023808/

I’ll never forget the feelings of inade­quacy I experienced while desperately researching, calling, and visiting child care facilities while I was pregnant with my son — and constantly being told, “I am sorry we are full, but you can add your name to a waitlist.”

I worked in early education and figured I knew a lot more than the average parent about the process. Despite my experience, and although we are a two-income family, I was overwhelmed.

I am not alone and actually fared better than many families throughout the country, as decades of research, data, and personal stories reveal millions of families scrambling to address one of the most important decisions they’ll ever face — “Who will care for my child?”

Gladys Soto in San Francisco knows this dilemma far too well. She had to place her infant son, William, on several waiting lists for child care. Gladys found herself shuttling William between unlicensed home care locations and available family members because she “needed someone, anyone, who could take him” while she worked.
William was school age before he was finally accepted into a child care program. By that time, Gladys no longer qualified for subsidies, and the cost of ...

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