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Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms

by Karen Wise Lindeman and Elizabeth M. Anderson
March/April 2018
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/inclusive-early-childhood-classrooms/5024012/

“Just last week we had a student who can’t walk who was standing in his mobile stander and doing a puzzle and another child stood right across from him and cheered him on and clapped for him. And it was right there he realized that some children need more assistance than others. We talk about it at circle time…. We all need what we need and fair doesn’t mean that we need the same thing.”

Hannah, Inclusive Preschool
Special Education Teacher


Best practices in early childhood education point to the benefits of inclusion for young children (Mogharreban & Bruns, 2009). However, when special education and general education teachers in inclusive settings conceptualize and deliver services to young children differently, it can create challenges (Frankel, Gold, & Ajodhia-Andrews, 2010). 

In an effort to define the term inclusion and better identify the key components of high-quality inclusive preschool programs, the Council for Exceptional Children Division of Early Childhood and the National Association for the Education of Young Children issued a joint statement in 2009. The statement defines inclusion as the values, policies, and practices that support the right of every infant and young child and his ...

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