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In Her Time - Ways to Enrich the Quality of Women's Lives

by Lilli-ann Buffin
January/February 1999
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/in-her-time-ways-to-enrich-the-quality-of-womens-lives/5012520/

Your center is closing for the day. You eye paperwork on your desk. Due to a steady stream of interruptions, you are not as far along with it as you had planned to be. You resolve to stay an extra hour. A departing teacher knocks on your door to report that one small boy remains. You turn out your office light and go to him in his classroom.

You wait while the boy plays quietly. Ten minutes pass, now 15. Where is his mother? Inside you feel torn between irritation and genuine concern. Forty-five minutes pass. This child is bored and tired. It is apparent his fears are growing larger in the quiet, empty classroom. The boy crawls onto your lap. His little voice utters the unspeakable, "If something happens to my mom, can I come live with you?"

Moments later, a young mother bursts through the door looking pale and frightened herself. Her outerwear is disheveled and hanging to the floor. She and the boy race into each other's arms, both with tears in their eyes.

The mother explains: a late meeting that got started even later; her spot on the agenda moved back for someone with a plane to catch. Someone else ...

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