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Image-Building: A Hands-On Developmental Process

by Janet Brown McCracken
July/August 1995
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/image-building-a-hands-on-developmental-process/5010448/

Children learn to cut with scissors by watching others and then by trying scissors themselves. They learn language by listening and then speaking, singing, and reading. Forming a genuine, positive self-image is every bit as much of a hands-on, life-long developmental process for children as is their physical and intellectual growth.

How do early childhood educators and families encourage healthy self-images? A balanced curriculum, teaching and parenting strategies that encourage success, and friendly interactions all contribute to children's realistic awareness of their strengths and challenges. We adults pick up on, and create, situations that contribute to children's growing understanding of themselves as worthy, capable, interesting people.

In the early years, these four goals are at the heart of professional teaching practices:

_ Instill trust.
_ Promote independence.
_ Foster friendships.
_ Encourage success.

Instill Trust

From birth, children thrive when they experience others as trustworthy. We support children as they make sense out of the world. Predictable schedules, authentic feedback, and warm relationships help instill trust.

With babies, we figure out what a cry or smile means. We are sensitive to how infants experience the environment: Is the floor cold on bare feet? How recently was a baby cuddled? Toddlers ...

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