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Ideas For Training Staff - Mobilizing New Leadership

by Margie Carter
November/December 2002
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/ideas-for-training-staff-mobilizing-new-leadership/5014875/

This past summer I spent some time re-reading a few of the professional books that have inspired me in recent years: William Ayers, To Teach; Parker Palmer, The Courage to Teach; Robert Fried, The Passionate Teacher; Deborah W. Tegano's chapter "Passion and the Art of Teaching" in Teaching and Learning: Collaborative Exploration of the Reggio Emilia Approach, edited by Victoria Fu, Andrew Stremmel, and Lynn Hill; and Jacqueline Grennon Brooks and Martin G. Brooks, The Case for Constructivist Classrooms. One book seemed to lead to another in the above order; from their titles you might get a sense of the ideas I was pursuing. I'll share some quotes to encourage you to visit these books yourself.

This reading spurt started as I returned home from the last Leaders in Action Summer Institute sponsored by the Center for the Child Care Workforce (CCW), and my mind was buzzing with the powerful voices that were there. Because CCW announced it was no longer able to continue as an independent organization, a doubt was cast over the future of these marvelous summer leadership institutes. With others I found myself reflecting on what made these institutes so remarkable and wondering how we could be reproducing this ...

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