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How to Organize a Director's Support Group

September/October 1981
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/how-to-organize-a-directors-support-group/5002114/

"I've been participating in our directors' support group for nearly two years now, but I still eagerly look forward to our meetings."

"It's the highlight of the month for me. I know that no matter how bad my work has gone, I'll come back from the meeting all charged up and refreshed."

"It helps just to know that others are struggling with the same headaches, that I'm not alone in my tribulations.”

These are typical reactions from child care directors who have participated in ongoing directors' support groups. Such a group is usually nothing more than a small number of child care directors who get together periodically over lunch to support each other through sharing sorrows and joys, problems and solutions. Securing such support can be so significant because directors typically have no one at their center to turn to for a word of encouragement, for a shoulder to cry on, or for a fresh perspective on an old problem.

If you are thinking about starting a directors' support group in your area,
here are some of the questions you may have along the way. Child Care Information Exchange asked these questions to participants in seven different support groups and has summarized their answers and suggestions ...

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